Entrepreneurial skills for a modern education in Albania (EntrAL), Erasmus + KA2 (2020-2023). 617886-EPP-1-2020-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. F. Javier Vidal García (ULE). 2019-2021,702,091.67 €
Effective schools to improve the system STATE PROGRAM FOR THE GENERATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL STRENGTHENING OF THE R&D SYSTEM. María José Rodríguez Conde (USAL), F. Javier Vidal García (ULE). 2019-2021.
Analysis of institutional and informal support and guidance systems for university students. Castilla and leon meeting. F. Javier Vidal García. 10/07 / 2019-30 / 09/2021. € 12,000
"MOOC2MOVE Project" (LMOOCS for university students on the move), Erasmus + KA2 (2018-2021) nr. 2018-1-FR01-KA203-048165. Ana pink Arias Gago. Budget: 331,372 € ULE budget: € 21,690 1/11 / 2018-30 / 30/10/2021
The situation of training on Industrial Property in Spain in the official university courses of Sciences, Health Sciences, Engineering and Architecture. EOI Foundation. F. Javier Vidal García. 07/17 / 2018- 10/31/2018.
Developing teacher competencies for a comprehensive VET system in Albania ( TEAVET ). EUROPEAN COMISSION. FRANCISCO JAVIER VIDAL GARCIA. (University of Leon). 10/15/2017 - 10/14/2020. € 750,820.
Supporting Entrepreneurial Development in the Field of IT in Vietnamese HEIs (ICTentr). EUROPEAN COMISSION. (University of Leon). 15/10 / 2015-14 / 10/2018. € 616,109.
Developing Third Mission activities in Albanian Universities (U3M-AL) "EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Vidal, Javier. (UNIVERSITY OF LEÓN). Since 10/15/2012. € 408,126.28.
Linking universities with their environment for sustainable social and economic development (VINCULAENTORNO) European Commission. ALFA III (3rd Call). María Ángeles Iriarte Ormazabal. (University of the Basque Country). 01/01 / 2012-31 / 12/2014. € 1,200,000.
Comprehensive Information System on Higher Institutions in Latin America EUROPEAN COMMISSION. José Miguel Carot Sierra. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 07/01/2011. € 2,000,000.
European indicators and ranking methodology for university third mission. EUROPEAN COMISSION. José Miguel Carot. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 06/01/2009. € 23,368.36.
Contribution of Activities developed by Tertiary Education Institutions (IET) to the Socioeconomic Development of their Environment in the Territory of Gipuzkoa Promotion of the University in the Knowledge Society, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Announcement of the Program for the Promotion of the University in the Knowledge Society, Department of Innovation and Knowledge Society, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Carlos Ochoa. (University of the Basque Country). 01 / 2009-11 / 2009.
Good Practices in University - Enterprise Partnerships - GOODUEP European Commission. EU. Lifelong Learning Program. European Comission. José-Ginés Mora Ruiz. (Center for Studies in Higher Education Management (CEGES), Polytechnic University of Valencia). 01/10 / 2007-30 / 09/2009.
Tools for the Use of Graduate Studies in the Design of Study Plans Ministry of Education and Science. Study and Analysis Program (Official Gazette of December 15, 2006). General Directorate of Universities. Ministry of Education and Science. María José Vieira Aller. (University of Leon). 04 / 2007- 04/2008. € 14,465. Coordinator.
Collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science and the University of León for collaboration in carrying out activities related to the Bologna process, General Directorate of Universities, Ministry of Education and Science. María José Vieira Aller. 12/2007. € 22,000.
Differentiating characteristics of students who relapse into disturbing behaviors in school coexistence General Directorate of Educational Planning, Organization and Inspection. Ministry of Education (Junta de Castilla y León). Delio del Rincón Igea. 05/2007. € 50,000.
The analysis of the training demand of the labor market in the design of study plans Ministry of Education and Science. Study and Analysis Program (Resolution of December 21, 2007 of the Secretary of State for Universities and Research). General Directorate of Universities. Ministry of Education and Science. María José Vieira Aller. (University of Leon). 12/08 / 2008-30 / 06/2009. € 12,760.
Collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Secretary of State for Universities) and the University of León for the execution of certain activities in relation to the monitoring of the Bologna process Secretary of State for Universities (Ministry of Science and Innovation). María José Vieira Aller. 11/20/2008. € 30,000
Study for the revision of the standardized classifications of the educational levels of the training programs post-compulsory secondary education professional General Directorate of Vocational Training, Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports. María José Vieira Aller. 10/01/2008. € 15,500.
SISTEVAL project. Resources for the establishment of a university learning evaluation system based on public and coherent criteria, norms and procedures Ministry of Education and Science. MEC. Secretary of State for Universities and Research. María Soledad Ibarra Saiz. (Cadiz University). 03/22 / 2006-11 / 15/2006.
Instruments for the evaluation of the guidance system in Spanish universities (EA2005-0036) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS. Javier Vidal. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 03/23/2005.
Higher Education Policy within the Lisbon Strategy European Commission. José-Ginés Mora Ruiz. 12/23/2005.
Education, skills and economic growth. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. José-Ginés Mora. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 2004. € 27,200.
European Universities for Entrepreneurship - their Role in the Europe of Knowledge / Entrepreneurial European Universities: their role in the Europe of Knowledge European Commission. EU. VI Framework Program. European Commission. José-Ginés Mora. (Institute of Education, University of London, UK). 01 / 2004-01 / 2007.
Evaluation and accreditation of student services in European higher education institutions (EA2002- 0018) Ministry of Education and Science / General Directorate of Scientific and Technical Research. Vidal, Javier. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 04/01/2002. € 21,864.
Research and educational policy: university education in Spain COUNCIL OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE OF CASTILLA Y LEÓN. Vidal, Javier. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 01/01/2002. € 6,015.
Preparation of the Global Report 1996-2001 of the National Quality Assessment Plan for Universities COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES. Vidal, Javier. 01/01/2002 - € 117,195.
The offer of guidance services in Spanish universities: innovation and adjustment to the needs of the university community. (EA-7107) Ministry of Education and Science / General Directorate of Scientific and Technical Research. Vidal, Javier. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 08/01/2001. € 7,813.
Preparation of the Annual Report of the National Quality Assessment Plan for Universities 2002 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Vidal, Javier. 01/01/2001. € 81,137.
Factors involved in the transition of students to university. CASTILLA AND LEON MEETING. D. DEL RINCÓN IGEA. (COUNCIL OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE OF THE BOARD OF CASTILLA Y LEÓN). Since 01/01/2000. € 3,370.
Preparation of the Annual Report of the National Quality Assessment Plan for Universities 1999 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Vidal, Javier. 01/01/2000. € 66,111.
Technical / Scientific Advice on Tutoring, Monitoring and Evaluation of the "Insertion Program in the Company" Fundación Universidad Empresa de León. D. DEL RINCÓN IGEA. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 04/01/1999. € 3,834.
Survey on Graduates of the University of León. (Study coordinated with the European Graduate Employment in Europe Project, coordinated by Prof. Ulrich Teichler, Germany) Social Council Universidad de León. Vidal, Javier. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 01/01/1999. € 12,020.
Lifelong learning: the implications for the universities in the EU. DGXII .; TSR .; EU. DGTSAOUSIS. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). Since 01/01/1999.
Preparation of the Annual Report of the National Quality Assessment Plan for Universities 1998 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Vidal, Javier. (UNIVERSITY OF LEON). 01/1999
Performance evaluation in Higher Education. Comparison of results between students from LOGSE and DEL COU. CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND DOCUMENTATION (CIDE). MARIO DE MIGUEL DÍAZ. (OVIEDO UNIVERSITY). Since 02/01/1998. € 29,450.
Lifelong Learnig and the Universtity INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE INVESTIGACIONES ECONÓMICAS, SA. Vidal, Javier. (University of Valencia). 04/01/1997 - € 6,010.
External evaluation, advice and monitoring of the YOUTHSTAR Program for the City Council of San Andrés del Rabanedo (León) EUROPEAN UNION. 01/01/1997. € 18,346.