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Rodríguez-García, A., & Arias-Gago, A. R. (En prensa). Características bibliométricas de la literatura internacional sobre métodos docentes: una taxonomía multidisciplinar. Revista Complutense de Educación

Rodríguez-García, A., & Arias-Gago, A. R. (En prensa). ¿El aprendizaje basado en indagación mejora el rendimiento académico del alumnado en Ciencias? Análisis basado en PISA 2018. Revista Colombiana de Educación

Vieira, M. J., Ferreira, C., Rodríguez-Esteban, A., y Vidal, J. (2021). Towards Sustainable Development in Education: Implementing a VET System for In-Service Teachers in Albania. Sustainability, 13(16), 8739.

Ferreira, C. (2021). El sistema de orientación universitaria en Finlandia: Identificación de buenas prácticas aplicables al contexto español. Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 32(1), 7-29.

Cortés Díaz, M., Ferreira Villa, C., y Arias Gago, A. R. (2021). Fundamentos del Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje desde la perspectiva internacional. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 27(e0065), 269-284.

Rodríguez-García, A., & Arias-Gago, A. R. (2021). Uso metodológico docente y rendimiento lector del alumnado: análisis fundamentado en PISA lectura 2018. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 24(3).

Fuertes, M., Vieira, M. J., & Ferreira, C. (2021). Evaluation of an educational mediation programme in primary education: M-Educa [Evaluación de un programa de mediación educativa en Educación Primaria: M-Educa]. Journal for the Study of Education and Development.

Rodríguez-Esteban, A., González-Rodríguez, D., & González-Mayorga, H. (2021).

Languages and ICT: teaching skills for the 21st century. A comparative analysis with other professions. Revista de Educación, 393, 379-405.

Cipi, E., & Meminaj, M. (Eds.) (2021). TEAVET Project. Conference Proceeding Book. Servicios de publicaciones. Universidad de León.

González-Moreira, A., Ferreira, C., & Vidal, J. (2021). Comparative analysis of the transition from early childhood education to primary education: factors affecting continuity between stages. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), 441-454. 

González-Tejerina, S. y Vieira, M-J. (2021). La formación en emprendimiento en Educación Primaria y Secundaria: una revisión sistemática. Revista Complutense de Educación. 32(1), 99-111.


Rodríguez-García, A., & Arias-Gago, A. R. (2021). Características bibliométricas de la literatura internacional sobre métodos docentes: una taxonomía multidisciplinar. Revista Complutense de Educación, 33(1), 93-106.

Rodríguez-García, A., & Arias-Gago, A. R. (En prensa). ¿El aprendizaje basado en indagación mejora el rendimiento académico del alumnado en Ciencias? Análisis basado en PISA 2018. Revista Colombiana de Educación

Vieira, M. J., Ferreira, C., Rodríguez-Esteban, A., y Vidal, J. (2021). Towards Sustainable Development in Education: Implementing a VET System for In-Service Teachers in Albania. Sustainability, 13(16), 8739.

Ferreira, C. (2021). El sistema de orientación universitaria en Finlandia: Identificación de buenas prácticas aplicables al contexto español. Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 32(1), 7-29.

Rodríguez-García, A., & Arias-Gago, A. R. (2021). Uso metodológico docente y rendimiento lector del alumnado: análisis fundamentado en PISA lectura 2018. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 24(3).

Cortés Díaz, M., Ferreira Villa, C., y Arias Gago, A. R. (2021). Fundamentos del Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje desde la perspectiva internacional. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 27(e0065), 269-284.

Fuertes, M., Vieira, M. J., & Ferreira, C. (2021). Evaluation of an educational mediation programme in primary education: M-Educa [Evaluación de un programa de mediación educativa en Educación Primaria: M-Educa]. Journal for the Study of Education and Development.


Rodríguez-Esteban, A., González-Rodríguez, D., & González-Mayorga, H. (2021). Idiomas y TIC: competencias docentes para el siglo XXI. Un análisis comparativo con otras profesiones. Revista de Educación, 393, 379-405.

Cipi, E., & Meminaj, M. (Eds.) (2021). TEAVET Project. Conference Proceeding Book. Servicios de publicaciones. Universidad de León.

González-Moreira, A., Ferreira, C., & Vidal, J. (2021). Comparative analysis of the transition from early childhood education to primary education: factors affecting continuity between stages. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), 441-454. 

González-Tejerina, S. y Vieira, M-J. (2021). La formación en emprendimiento en Educación Primaria y Secundaria: una revisión sistemática. Revista Complutense de Educación. 32(1), 99-111.


González-Tejerina, S. y Vieira, M-J. (2021). La formación en emprendimiento en Educación Primaria y Secundaria: una revisión sistemática. Revista Complutense de Educación. 32(1), 99-111.

Vazquez-Casares A., & Vidal J. (2020). Specific competencies of prehospital emergency nursing: the views of Spanish university professors.  Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(12), 556-567. doi:10.3928/00220124-20201113-06 

Arias-Gago, A. R., & Rodríguez-García, A. (2020). Validación de la escala OCDUMA para analizar las concepciones, opiniones y percepciones del profesorado hacia las metodologías activas. Aula Abierta, 49(4), 403-412.

​Vázquez-Casares A, & Vidal-García J. (2020) Análisis de las competencias específicas de la Enfermería de urgencias pre-hospitalarias en España. Metas Enferm jun, 23(5),61-70.  

Rodríguez-Esteban, A. & Vidal, J. (2020). Influencia de factores de tipo educativo en el ajuste formación-empleo en hombres y mujeres. Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa, 26(1), 1-16.


Vazquez-Casares A., & Vidal J. (2019). A Narrative Review of the Description of Training Profiles Used for Emergency Nursing Care Worldwide.  J Contin Educ Nurs. 50 (12) 543-550. 10.3928 / 00220124-20191115-05

González-Tejerina, S., & Vieira, MJ  (2019). Organization of orientation services in early childhood and primary education. Spanish Journal of Orientation and Psychopedagogy , 30 (2), 89-112. Retrieved from

Rodríguez Esteban, A. & Pérez Álvarez, L. (2019) Coping strategies in caregivers of people with Alzheimer's. Influence of personal and situational variables. Spanish Journal of Disability , 7 (1), 153-171. Retrieved from

González-Rodríguez, D., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2019).  Variables that influence the transition from Primary Education to Compulsory Secondary Education. A comprehensive modelStaff. Revista de Pedagogía, 71 (2), 85-108. 10.13042 / Bordon.2019.68957.  

Rodríguez-Esteban, A., Vidal, J. and Vieira, MJ. (2019) An analysis of the employability of university students in Spain through horizontal adjustment.  Journal of Education , 284, 229-245. doi: 10.4438 / 1988-592X-RE-2019-384-411

González-Rodríguez, D., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2019). Factors that influence early school leaving: a comprehensive model. Educational Research, 61 (2), 214–230. doi: 10.1080 / 00131881.2019.1596034

González-Rodríguez, D., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2019). The perception of Primary Education and Secondary Education teachers on the variables that influence Early School Leaving. Journal of Educational Research, 37 (1), 181–200. doi: 10.6018 / rie.37.1.343751

Vazquez-Casares, A., & Vidal, J. (2019). A narrative review of the description of training profiles used for emergency nursing care worldwide. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50 (12), 543-550.

Vázquez-Casares, A., & Vidal, J. (2019). The informational competences of emergency nursing in the world. A bibliographic review. Paraninfo Digital, 13 (29), 1-2. Recovered from


Mora, JG, Serra, MA, & Vieira, MJ (2018).  Social Engagement in Latin American Universities.  Higher Education Policy,  3 1 (4), 513–534. doi: 10.1057 / s41307-017-0069-1


González-Mayorga, H., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2017). Opinion of secondary school teachers on the assessment by competencies and the support of the guidance department.  Spanish Journal of Orientation and Psychopedagogy,  28 (2), 96-112. doi: 10.5944 / reop.vol.28.num.2.2017.20121

González-Mayorga, H., Vidal, J., & Vieira, MJ (2017). The impact of the PISA Report on Spanish society: the case of the written press.  Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation,  23 (1), 1–17. doi: 10.7203 / relief.23.1.9015


Mora, JG, Ferreira, C., Vidal, J., & Vieira, MJ (2015).  Higher education in Albania: developing third mission activities.  Tertiary Education and Management,  21 (1), 29–40. doi: 10.1080 / 13583883.2014.994556


Vidal, J., Vieira, MJ, & Ferreira, C. (2014).  Developing Third Mission Activities in Albanian Universities.  University of Leon. Publications Service . Lion.

Vieira, MJ, Ferreira, C., & Vidal, J. (2014).  Good Practices of Third Mission in University of León. In J. Vidal, MJ Vieira, & C. Ferreira (Eds.),  Developing Third Mission Activities in Albanian Universities (pp. 67–79).  University of Leon. Publications Service.

Ferreira, C., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2014). Attention to students with disabilities in Higher Education institutions. The case of Catalonia.  Journal of Educational Research,  32 (1), 139-157. doi: 10.6018 / rie.32.1.171711

Vidal, J., & Vieira, MJ (2014). Government, autonomy and decision-making in the university.  Bordón, 66 (1), 17–30. doi: 10.13042 / Bordon.2014.66101

Grao, J., Iriarte, M., Ochoa, C., & Vieira Aller, MJ (2014).  The Third Mission of Universities: Good Practices in Latin America . Mexico: Imaginarial Editores.

Vidal, J. (2014). The Mission of the University. In MC Carmona & E. Chiner (Eds.),  Educational research in diverse, plural and global settings (pp. 41–53). Alicante: AIDIPE, University of Alicante.

Ferreira, C., Vidal, J., & Vieira, MJ (2014).  Student guidance and attention to diversity in the processes of quality assurance in Higher Education.  European Journal of Education,  49 (4), 575-589. doi: 10.1111 / ejed.12098


Vidal, J., & Ferreira, C. (2013).  The state of evaluation in the Spanish university context.  Scuola Democratica , (2), 640–645. doi: 10.12828 / 74735

Vidal, J. (2013).  The informal university . Madrid: Studia XXI. European Society and Education Foundation.


Ferreira, C., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2012). System of indicators on support for students with disabilities in Spanish universities.  Education Magazine,  363 , 412-444. doi: 10.4438 / 1988-592X-RE-2012-363-193

Domínguez, M., Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2012).  The impact of the Program for International Student Assessment on academic journals.  Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice,  19 (4), 393–409. doi: 10.1080 / 0969594X.2012.659175

Mora, JG, Vieira, MJ, & Detmer, A. (2012).  Managing university enterprise partnerships. In P. Temple (Ed.),  Universities in the Knowledge Economy: Higher Education Organization and Global Change (pp. 63–81).  Abingdon Routledge.


Grao, J., Mora, JG, Ochoa, C., Uriarte, C., Iriarte, M., & Vieira, MJ (2011). Contribution of tertiary education activities to the socioeconomic development of their environment: The case of Guipúzkoa. In A. Caparrós (Ed.),  Research in Economics of Education (pp. 973–985).  Basque Country.

Vidal, J. (2011). The Supply and Demand for Researchers in the EU. In S. Avveduto (Ed.),  Convergence or Differentiation. Human Resources for Research in a Changing European Scenario (pp. 103–122). Napoli: ScriptaWeb.

Vieira, MJ, & Ferreira, C. (2011). The services of attention to students with disabilities in the universities of Castilla y León.  Spanish Journal of Orientation and Psychopedagogy,  22 (2), 185–199. Retrieved from

Vidal, J. (2011). Decisions in public policies for universities. In A. Embid, F. Marcellán, & J. Vidal (Eds.),  The institutional framework of public universities: improvement policies (Vol. 3, pp. 61–81). Madrid: European Society and Education Foundation.


Fenoll, C., Vizcarro, C., & Vieira, MJ (2010).  The Bologna process in Spain, as seen by university leaders, teachers and students: perceptions and issues.  In  USA Bologna Handbook (pp. 1–18). Berlin Raabe Nachschlagen-Finden.

Ochoa, C., & Vieira, MJ (2010). The third mission of the Tertiary Education Institutions of the territory of Guipúzkoa. In  CYD 2009 Report (pp. 87–89). Barcelona Knowledge and Development Foundation.

Vidal, J., Diez, G., & Vieira, MJ (2010).  Guidance services in Spanish universities.  Tertiary Education and Management,  9 (4), 267-280. doi: 10.1080 / 13583883.2003.9967109

Mora, JG, Detmer, A., & Vieira, MJ (2010).  Good Practices in University-Enterprise Partnerships .  Valencia: European Commission. General Directorate of Education and Culture. Lifelong Learning Program.

Fenoll, C., & Vieira, MJ (2010).  The current situation of the Bologna process in Europe and in Spain . 2009 CYD Report. Barcelona: Knowledge and Development Foundation.


Rodríguez, A., & Vieira, MJ (2009). Training in competencies at the university: an empirical study on its typology.  Journal of Educational Research,  27 (1), 27-47. Retrieved from

Mora, JG, & Vieira, MJ (2009).  Governance and organizational change in higher education: barriers and drivers for entrepreneuralism. In M. Shattock (Ed.),  Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy (pp. 74–99). Maidenhead Open University Press - McGraw-Hill.

Mora, JG, & Vieira, MJ (2009).  University Governance and Entrepreneurship: an empirical study. University, Society and Innovation. In  An International Perspective (pp. 191–207). Buenos Aires EDUNTREF.

Detmer, A., Mora, JG, & Vieira, MJ (2009). Good practices in the university - company link. In M.Parellada (Ed.),  CYD 2008 Report (pp. 215–219). Barcelona: Knowledge and Development Foundation.


Vieira, MJ (2008). Criteria for the evaluation of the support and guidance system for university students: review and proposal.  Journal of Education , (345), 399–423. Retrieved from

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Vieira, MJ (2007). Comparative influence of the profile of the students in the planning of the university orientation.  Spanish Journal of Pedagogy,  65 (236), 49–70. Retrieved from file: /// C: /Users/usuario/Downloads/Dialnet-InfluenciaComparadaDelPerfilDeLosEstudiantesEnLaPl-2281191.pdf

Vieira, MJ, Vidal, J., & Barrio, S. (2007). An assessment tool to compare the academic experience of college students.  Journal of Educational Research,  25 (2), 327-350. Retrieved from


Vieira, MJ, & Vidal, J. (2006). Trends in European Higher Education and implications for university orientation.  Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 17 (1), 75–97. Retrieved from

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Weerts, D., & Javier, V. (2005).  Enhancing alumni research: European and American perspectives.  (Wiley company, Ed.). San Francisco.

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Mora, JG, & Vieira, MJ (2005). Accreditation processes in the development of universities: a comparative European vision. In  Accreditation processes in the development of universities (pp. 119–134). Santiago de Chile.

De Miguel, M., Apodaca, P., Arias, JM, Escudero, T., Rodríguez, S., & Vidal, J. (2005).  To what extent is higher education achieved conditioned by the secondary education model?  Studies in Educational Evaluation,  31 (1), 57-78. Retrieved from

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Vidal, J. (2003). Quality Assurance, Legal Reforms and the European Higher Education Area in Spain.  European Journal of Education,  38 (3), 301-313. doi: 10.1111 / 1467-3435.00149


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Mora, JG, & Vidal, J. (2002).  Lifelong Learning in Spanish Universities: The Market Inside the Public System.  European Journal of Education,  35 (3), 317–327. doi: 10.11 / 1467-3435.00029

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Vidal, J., Echeverría, MJ, & Martín, S. (1998).  Research evaluation: the experience of the University of Salamanca.  Journal of Education , (316), 297–305. Retrieved from

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